Falling in Love with Potential "I know who you think he can be... but who is he now?"

Maybe you see potential for him to be an awesome man of God, you see that he loves God, he reads his Word, enjoys going to church... but he continues to pressure you for sex, to drink a little too much for your liking, or likes to party with his friends. Or maybe you see potential for him to be a business owner or entrepreneur but he has no drive, he's super talented at whatever his skill is but he thinks that that talent will magically get him from point A to B. Or another option is that he's playing it too safe, you see big things for his future but he likes his cushy 9-5 and doesn't want to go on to that next level interview or show interest in the vacancy at the job that could lead to a promotion of a lifetime. Whatever your situation may have been or may be currently, I'm sure you can relate to seeing so much more in a man than he was actually willing to act on for his own life. 

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How Long Do I Have to Wait? “An Open Letter to God”

If I can be honest God, sometimes I get angry, I get jealous, and I grow weary. I struggle with thinking “I’m doing all the right things” and I see others who are not even serving you, get what your servant has been asking you for. I know that your timing is perfect but sometimes I feel like we are on two different time zones. I know that somehow there is purpose in the pain but at times I just feel like this season is purposely painful. I know that you hear my cries and you know what’s best for me, after all you ordained my life before the foundations of the earth. But somehow I can’t shake the thought of my gauge of your love for me being contingent on the gift of marriage.

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The Road from Discomfort to Destiny

You may be thinking that your life seems unbearable, extremely uncomfortable, and even inconvenient at times. But that is exactly what you need to catapult you into your calling. If you’d be honest, you know you would become stagnant and “okay” with living in the land of the in between (out of Egypt but not quite in the land flowing with milk and honey) if you were comfortable and cozy in your current phase of life. You know this, so you know God knows this as well.

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Do I Really Have to Forgive?: Finding Freedom in Forgiveness

Forgiveness isn’t for the person, it’s for you- The second reason we should all forgive is for the mere fact that forgiveness isn't for the person it's for us! Once you forgive, you're essentially saying I am taking on this debt. The word "forgive" in Hebrew is "nasa" which literally means "to lift, carry, or take". Forgiveness is very sacrificial in that way because you're taking the blame and the weight up off of that person for whatever they have done and you are taking it to God and laying it at His feet. The act of forgiveness can be pretty transactional in that way, if you let it. The problem for some lies in the fact that you don't always get anything in return (an apology) and that is okay. John 6:35 “But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.” God sees all and He won’t let it go unnoticed because you're being obedient to His word! Don’t believe me? Take a look at some scriptures outlining God’s blessings for those who follow through with His Word:

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Maintaining Joy in a Dark Place

I mean when you really think about it, how can you effectively draw others to Christ if you’re miserable yourself? I mean, let’s be honest, if you were an unbeliever and the so called believer on your job was always complaining and had no joy or hope to hang their hat on, why would you want to know more about their God? I think you’d probably figure “well we’re both in the same boat, so what good would their faith do for me?” I think it is important to remember what the bible tells us in 1 Peter 3:15 “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” People should be able to look at us as Christians and ask “how can you remain so hopeful in this distressing and bleak situation?”

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Stepping Out of the Boat

The series is entitled LIT ( Living in Truth). I will be highlighting single Christian men who are truly men after God's own heart. The idea came to me one day while minding my business getting ready for the day. I felt as if I heard the Lord tell me to showcase His sons. Not in those exact words but you get the gist. I have so many amazing single friends who are pretty much cynical when it comes to believing that REAL single Christian men exist. You know, the ones that actual attend church, bible study, have an active prayer life, are practicing celibacy, and truly living in Gods truth for their lives! So my task is to find these men and show they do in fact exist and that they are hope for women who are waiting on God's best.

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Why Do We Fast?

In the New Testament Jesus does not explicitly say that we must fast but His words and actions imply that we must lol. So what does He say? In Matthew 6:16-18 Jesus says "When you fast, do not look gloomy like hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, that your fasting may not be seen by others but by your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you." So the first major thing to point out here is that Jesus says "when you" not "if you". He is giving instructions on how fasting should be done when you do so because you are most certainly going to do so. Also, Jesus is specifically letting us know that fasting isn't a trend or something we do to impress others like my friend was stating society has made it, but rather that it is to be strictly between us and God. We are not to brag and boast about fasting and we should actually keep it to ourselves as much as we can.

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Unplug to Get Recharged

Sometimes I think we go over board on the technology and too much of any good thing can become a bad thing if you let it. I love Instagram, I mean lovvveeee it! And I don't play foolishness on my IG feed, for the most part my feed is inspiring and uplifting. However, in spite of this fact I recently found myself warring against the pesky opponent of... that's right you guessed it, comparison! I would go on my feed and be genuinely happy for the newly engaged couples, newlyweds, first time parents, homeowners, business owners, and so much more but along with that happiness was the undeniable feeling of insecurity in the pit of my stomach that I just couldn't shake. The enemy would begin whispering in my ear, "you will never reach their level of success", "you are not good enough", "you are not worthy enough to receive the blessings you're praying for" "give up". Just plain ol' demonic, evil, and deceitful! But I must admit that I found myself listening and falling into his web of lies. I wonder if you've ever felt that way looking at someone else's "highlight reel" on social media?

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I Promise You... You are Loved

Have you ever experienced the love of God? Like really felt His presence? When the presence of the Lord comes into the room, you undoubtedly feel it. His presence is palpable, almost too much to bare. I remember feeling His presence for the first time and I just couldn't stop crying, it was uncontrollable and I'm a g lol. But no really, my heart felt like it would just explode, I could barely breathe but in a good way. You know the way a person explains being in a love relationship and their partner "takes their breath away", yeah that's the feeling. If you've never experienced true love, get into a relationship with Jesus. Nothing else compares, and I mean NOTHING. Now I know you may be thinking I know God loves me and that is great but I can’t post of pic of me and Jesus at the movies or at a fancy restaurant on my Instagram. But my response to that is, why is posting pics a concern of yours if you are truly content in your single season?

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