Broken Before the King: Power of Prayer

Prayer for engaged faith: Much like the title suggests, this prayer is where I am encouraging you to pour your heart out and pray to have your faith stretched further than just believing God’s will but doing His will, whatever and wherever that may take you. Go all in! Here is a little piece of what I wrote: Lord I come before You first to give thanks. You are Lord of Lords and King of Kings. You are alpha and omega, You sit on high and You still look low. You are my provider, my protector, my strong tower, my confidant, my refuge, and my strength. Thank You for my life and Your mercies that are new every day. Thank You for Your loving-kindness towards me. Lord I pray to have engaged faith. I pray that I don’t sit around and expect for You to do things You have already given me the power to do. Help me to see where You would have me to step out on faith so that I’ll go. Lead me and I’ll follow. Lord go with me, allow me to experience Your manifest presence before me so that I know I have Your favor and approval. Lord I pray to have a faith like Abraham and go wherever You tell me to go and sacrifice whatever You tell me to sacrifice. Lord help me to have engaged faith like the woman who had no oil (2 Kings 4). Help me to get the empty jars in my life so that You can fill them by my act of faith…

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Waiting for Nothing!

This truth was etched in my heart as I was frustrated with my singleness and thought one day a while back, "I can't wait to have the covering of a good Godly man, one that will lead me, love me, and never leave me". God quickly checked me as He so lovingly does from time to time and called to my attention that I already have all that I desire, right now in the form of Savior. I'm covered by the blood of Jesus, led by the Holy Spirit daily, and I serve a God that has promised never to leave me nor forsake me. Now I know some people think that's super religious or extra and they love God but "need a man, you know somebody they can see and touch". I hear you sis and I too thought that way at one point in time… but God.

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The Cost Of Being Hidden:When A Daughter of THE KING Can't Be Found By Her King

Prayer will literally block that man’s vision- During my time of online dating I was pursued by a quite a few men that I thought, “could this be the one?” They were college educated, handsome, had well-paying jobs, and appeared very interested in actually dating and settling down. I would talk to them through the site and then begin with the text messaging and phone calls. I even went on a few dates that went well in my opinion. So you’re probably wondering, what happened?

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